Quieted by His Love

The Lord has again quieted me with His love.

I cannot get enough of this verse in Zephaniah.

The LORD your God is in your midst, A victorious warrior. He will rejoice over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.
— zephaniah 3:17

I can never move on. I’ll never be the same. The Lord God Himself is in my midst. He’s carries complete victory. He never loses. He can’t lose. He rejoices over me. His darling creation. He quiets me with His perfect love. All my fears are melted away by his steadfast, burning love. He rejoices over me with shouts of joy. A happy father! Rejoicing, singing, delighting over His little love. I think about how much I rejoice over my little boy! He delights me daily. I cannot help but sing and shout over the gift of his life. This is even more so uncontainable in the God of the universe over me, his beloved daughter. It’s incredibly joyous. It stuns me. It leaves me breathless. There is nothing like it! To be loved with such complete, perfect, never corrupt, overwhelmingly bright, fear crushing, victorious, everlasting, fatherly love.

When I take time to be quiet and still.

Completely hushed and fully ceased at my striving.

I am quieted by this astrounding love.

We live in such a fast paced world, I have to push out the maddness and make my life slow, quiet and still. To welcome the presence of God is to deny the world and to say “aboslutely not” to the thrill ride of chaos. It may be fun for a while but it’s harrowing to the soul. To live life without God is to slowly die the worst possible death with no hope. There’s death that gives life and there’s death that is horrifying and depressing. There’s agony and torment, growing away from God. There’s life in the blood of Jesus, the death that heals, the death that produces victory. The death that brings eternal life.

I’m surprised by His love. I’m quieted by His love. I’m amazed at His life, His death, His victory, His forever.

I want more of him. I’m thankful for death that has no sting and endless victory for me.

I love His Word and am guided by His truth.

I love the birdsong in my backyard on a perfect summer morning.

I love that He has a perfect plan for my life. My sweet Lord God. God with me, all around me, before me, within me. He is faithful. He is good. He is established forever.

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